Thursday, February 20, 2020

Human health Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Human health - Essay Example The development of stress related heat diseases will continue until they become epidemic if adaptation and remedies to the problem are not put into place. As a result of increases in overall temperatures on the surface of the Earth and increase radiant effects from the sun, the increases in non-communicable disease caused by global temperature elevation will continue to increase as human life begins to change in relationship to the effect. Climate change is about the sun. The way in which the radiation of the sun is distributed by the complex systems that prevent the Earth from scorching or freezing from the balance between radiation and the gasses that radiate into the system is essential to understand in order to understand how temperature affects the human body. It is also essential to understand how the sun’s rays affect the overall nature of human health both through giving vitamins, but also in creating damage to the skin, which is the body’s way of regulating tem perature. ... biodiversity loss, changing timing of growing seasons, coastal erosion and aquifer salinisation, permafrost thaw, ocean acidification, and shifting ranges for pests and diseases†. In other words, the entire natural world is at risk for changes that can be detrimental to existing ecological balance and will result in a shift in the way in which disease and pestilence is spread. The UK government is in a constant effort to pass and implement Bills that will require the reduction of greenhouse emissions because of the importance of this problem (Great Britain 2007). The greenhouse effect is defined by the way in which thermal radiation is absorbed by gases in the atmosphere and then re-radiated into a variety of directions. Some of it is radiated towards the Earth. This re-radiation is being increased by the accumulation of gasses in the atmosphere which in turn is increasing the temperature of the Earth’s surface. The natural greenhouse gasses help the Earth to make human life possible by creating the optimum temperature at which life can thrive. Human activities are now putting that balance in jeopardy as deforestation and burning fossil fuels are putting the effect out of balance (Porteous 2008, p. 314). Human activity has created an anthropogenic influence on the ozone layer which impacts the greenhouse gasses and radiation of the sun since the 1950s, but the debate about its existence still rages on (Muller 2010, p. 12). 2.1 Affects of Climate Change The surface effects will be drought, the inability to grow grains, about 25% of the worlds species will be at risk for extinction, and communities will suffer from heat stress that will result in a number of different manifestations (World Bank 2011, p. 78). Industry capacities will change, meaning that work may

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Primary and Community Care Policy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Primary and Community Care Policy - Essay Example These families need to be supported on the huge responsibilities (Department of Health 2008). Primary care is diverse and wide in terms of its healthcare with different skilled people who work for the care of patients. Patients can be taken care of by different community service in the comfort of their homes (Walshe and Smith 2011). This paper will review the health care policy relevant to the primary or community care setting, and identify the key factors of the policy and analyze how effective the policy has been in the primary and community environment. This document will analyze some of the major policies that are often discussed. Health care policy Health care policy is the strategic plan, and decision performed to achieve specific health care goal within a society. An explicit health care can make up for a couple of important things (Nolan and Badger 2002). It sets up a vision for the future that assists in establishing targets of reference for the short and medium term goals. It lays down the priorities, and the role expected of different groups, and it creates consensus and informs people on the better way of life. Various policies have been placed to ensure that children are in a position to have the best start of life, and support their families need to give them in the form of a chance to fulfill their potentials. In essence, children and young adults with a grievous life condition are in positions that best equate them to access of high-quality, family centered, sustainable care support, with services provided in a selected setting, as stated by the children, and their families’ desires (Nolan and Badger 2002). The services shall be commissioned and delivered in line with identified local need and national policy and driven by best practice. These practices are associated with the myriad of services that are generally provided in the proposed settings, those that have been chosen by the children, and their families’ (Sines et al 2009). Moreover, disabled children will be considered both at local and national priority in all the settings that the government shall be undertaking. The healthcare communities must be in positions where they can deliver excellent health care services to all their clients without discrimination of the payment of services. According to Smith and Goodwin 2005, better care in all the settings ensures help in improving the outcome for children, young people together with families who might be living with limiting and threatening health conditions (Ashworth et al 2002). Effect created by policy in primary and community environment. Partnership working The government is determined on working together with other partners in the voluntary and private sector in sharing the agenda towards the realization of better changes in the improvement of lives for children who experience life-limiting and life-threatening conditions like the disabled persons. Patient care teams are professionals who are div erse in their line of duty. In fact, the professionals continually communicate on the best ways of taking care and attending to different patient groups, and participate in the care through out. Good working teams are depicted by strong working leadership that is effective, shared obligations, common visions, and cooperation, and obedience, members must also invest in their talents, defined roles, and responsibilities (Cox and Hill 2010). This