Sunday, November 3, 2019

Proposal report for ERP strategic to Omar A. Balubaid Company Limited Essay

Proposal report for ERP strategic to Omar A. Balubaid Company Limited - Essay Example This section concludes with the benefits that will be brought about in Omar A. Balubaid after the implementation of ERP system. ERP systems tend to save time for any organization- this aspect has been discussed, along with the cost of implementation for other companies and Omar A. Balubaid. Risks of implementation have been discussed in the report. Several ways have been identified that can be adapted to handle the risks. Choosing a suitable vendor is an important step in the process of ERP implementation, therefore several vendors have been mentioned and then benefits of the chosen one have been discussed. Lastly, the implementation process of ERP systems has been discussed to give an overview to the reader about the factors that are needed to be considered during the implementation. The modern world has become a test for survival for companies around the world. Consumers have become more aware about their choices and tend to switch brands frequently. This creates the need for current information about the market trends, consumer behaviours and effective strategic planning. Companies need to be equipped with up-to-date systems so that they are not left behind in the race for revenues and market share. While keeping these things in mind, three new strategies were proposed for Omar Abu Bakar Balubaid. Co. Ltd. Omar A. Balubaid Co. Ltd. holds the status of being one of the first car companies in Saudi Arabia. It was founded in 1952 in Jeddah with the capital of SR 300,000 [1]. Over the years, the company has flourished and has established 50 branches to manage their operations and sales. It proudly owns the agencies of General Motors (GM) and Peugeot [2]. The company’s systems and procedures were being handled in the conventional manner of papers and files. Better IT infrastructure came about in the company in 1997 and MS Office got

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